
Cutting edge technology for preserving and regenerating nature

Web3 and blockchain ensures transparency, traceability and accountability throughout the entire journey of environmental asset analysis and certification

Ensuring Compliance and Legitimacy

Our process involves a meticulous review of legal agreements, permits, and documentation associated with the environmental assets. Land titles, land use agreements, environmental impact assessments, and any regulatory approvals are examined to ensure compliance with environmental laws and regulations. 

This phase is essential to confirm the legitimacy of the environmental asset, safeguard against potential legal challenges, and provide assurance to all parts.

Satellite Constellation with public data

In a world where environmental sustainability is a top priority, the use of tools like Landsat, Sentinel, and GEDI is indispensable in ensuring the responsible evaluation and certification of environmental assets.  

  • Identification of fires and deforestation with a 15-year history.
  • Map image for Biomass and Carbon analysis

Artificial Intelligence

AI is a powerful tool for advancing in sustainable solutions. We apply AI for both data analysis and process automation, allowing us to improve efficiency and accuracy to automatically detect and recognize patterns of land use and land cover change.

Meet the BBLL Token

Bluebell’s blockchain-based tokens, generated using science-based international methodologies and proprietary algorithms, provide the needed integrity and robustness to become a global financial solution.

We can scale your environmental impact

The tokenization of environmental assets via blockchain technology plays a pivotal role by offering transparency, security, and efficiency to this transformative process.

The Bluebell tokens “BBLL” are backed by the real-world assets, providing a verifiable and immutable record of ownership and provenance.

This blockchain-based system ensures traceability, making it possible to confirm the legitimacy of environmental assets and their associated claims. 



Learn why the tokenization of environmental assets is the response to climate change

Increased Accessibility

Tokenization allows a broader range of stakeholders to participate in environmental conservation efforts, making it easier for them to support projects and initiatives that mitigate climate change.

Improved Transparency

Blockchain-based tokenization offers transparency and traceability, ensuring that the use of funds and the impact of environmental assets are accurately recorded and verified, reducing the risk of fraud and mismanagement.

Enhanced Liquidity

Tokens representing environmental assets can be traded on digital markets, providing liquidity to asset owners and investors, making it easier to buy, sell, or exchange environmental assets.

Incentivizing Conservation

Tokenization provide incentives for landowners to engage in environmentally friendly practices by allowing them to monetize the environmental benefits they create, which are converted into Bluebell tokens.

Improved Scalability

Tokenization simplifies the process of scaling up environmental projects, as it allows for fractional ownership and investment, which can attract a wider range of capital and support more substantial conservation efforts to combat climate change.

Global Participation

Tokenization facilitates cross-border investments and collaborations, enabling a global community to contribute to environmental conservation projects, transcending geographic boundaries.


Tokenization can help establish standardized methods for measuring and verifying the environmental impact of projects, fostering consistency and comparability across initiatives and industries in the fight against climate change.

Real-time Data and Monitoring

Tokenization can integrate data providers to monitor the health of environmental assets in real-time, ensuring proactive management and conservation efforts in response to changing conditions.

Tech Suppliers
