

Conservação: como os proprietários de terras podem monetizar os serviços ambientais

The importance of conserving and preserving our environment has never been more critical, But what if there was a way for landowners to not only contribute to the well-being of our planet, but also reap financial rewards for their efforts? Here comes the concept of monetization of environmental services.

Conservação: como os proprietários de terras podem monetizar os serviços ambientais Read More »

Dando passos em direção a um sistema alimentar sustentável: o papel da pecuária

In today’s rapidly changing world, the need for a sustainable food system has become more urgent than ever. As we strive to feed a growing global population while minimizing our impact on the environment, the role of livestock in achieving sustainability cannot be ignored.

Dando passos em direção a um sistema alimentar sustentável: o papel da pecuária Read More »

Reduzir as emissões, aumentar a produtividade: Os benefícios da agricultura de baixo carbono

In a world struggling with the urgent need to address climate change, the agricultural sector has a key role to play. As the demand for food continues to grow along with concerns about greenhouse gas emissions, the concept of low-carbon agriculture has gained significant traction.

Reduzir as emissões, aumentar a produtividade: Os benefícios da agricultura de baixo carbono Read More »