
Earn extra income and participate in the carbon market

Discover all the advantages and benefits that Bluebell Index offers to landowners and rural producers.

How it works

Be our partner in preserving the environment and improve the results of your property

Free Assessment

We carry out analysis and verification projects at no cost to the owner

Environmental Valuation

We will evaluate 100% of the property and not just the Legal Reserve area

Sale of Bluebell's

Complete Solution as we take care of the sale of the Environmental Asset

Why Bluebell?

We combine the best science and data available to scale your positive impact.

Key Benefits

Additional Revenue

With the generation and commercialization of Environmental Assets, the rural owner will have additional revenue

Agile feasibility time

The Bluebell process takes less than 1 year to be certified. Other companies take 2 years at least.

Broader spectrum of analysis

We consider not only not only carbon balances, but also: water availability, soil integrity and biodiversity status.

Social Impact

2% of bluebell's revenue goes towards generating social impact in the communities in which we operate


all property analyzes will be recorded on blockchain, which guarantees project integrity

Productive areas enhanced outputs

our process rewards owners who adopt regenerative practices

Bluebell fights climate change by rewarding regenerative agriculture & livestock

We incentivize regenerative agriculture, a path to sustainable land management, by generating extra income for landowners, incentivizing such practices

Join Bluebell

Fill out the form and receive contact from our team

Ask your questions about our process and start evaluating your property for free.

Selecione em qual bioma a sua propriedade está localizada

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