
The perfect solution to invest in your sustainability goals

Achieve your climate goals with traceability, integrity and transparency.

How it works?

Our methodology is technology-oriented, in addition to being recognized by international auditing and following all the guidelines of the main certifications.

Environmental Assessment

Our proprietary technology considers not only Carbon, but also: water, soil and biodiversity.

Tokenization of Environmental Assets

Once the analysis was done, we issued "Bluebells", our tokenized environmental assets.

100% traceable via Blockchain

Avoid possible reputational risks in your carbon compensation and compensation processes.

Why Bluebell?

With our innovative solution, we empower forward-thinking organizations to create positive brand perceptions while doing their part to reverse climate change.

Key benefits

Complete & scalable solution

We allow companies to strengthen the environmental pillar within their ESG approach and support the maintenance of natural ecosystems.

Genuine environmental commitment

Our solution leaves ‘offsets’ mindset behind, and undertaking Environmental Compensation, in line with ESG up-to-date best practices.

Benefits of token accounting for ESG

By placing tangible value on initiatives that aim to preserve natural resources, companies can gain a deeper understanding of landowner’s environmental performance.

Auditable and reliable processes

Our processes are externally audited by KPMG and our methodology is certified by Bureau Veritas.

Security Tokens

The Bluebell model treats the environmental asset as a security token, allowing the creation of tokens representing a specific amount of carbon stocked influxes (e.g., one tonne of CO2 equivalent).

Blockchain registration

Bluebell uses blockchain technology to record all project and token information, ensuring the validity and reliability of your climate strategy.

Talk to us

Make the transition to the low-carbon economy with audited and certified processes.

Fill out the form to speak to our experts.
